Monday, 10 September 2012

Evaluation Questions

I have already starting thinking ahead about efficient ways to answer the evaluation questions, using creative methods in order to present it - such as using video or animation.  Doing this will enhance my evaluation instead of creating regular blogposts to present the questions and their answers.
  • In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (Genre, narrative, structure)
  • This question suggests that I will have to consider the production stages in terms of creating a media product inspired by real media conventions; such as how I have portrayed a certain genre, suggesting how I used or adapted these conventions.  For example if I was to create a Thriller genre product - the conventions would be low-key lighting creating a dark atmosphere to create suspense and tension, alongside horror sound effects in it's structure.  I will have to consider whether the end product's narrtative is also suitable for the desired genre.  Challenging forms of real media products in terms of elements such as genre could suggest that it isn't necessarily a used convention, yet it still works - such as The Cohen Brother's 'Fargo' that we studied last year. 
  • How effective is the combination of your media product and ancillary texts? (How does my poster/ film review reflect the media product?)
  • My ancillary texts such as the film poster will have to effectively reflect the genre and narrative of my media product - being relevant to it's structure.  For example, in term's of mise-en-scene, a photograph taken for the poster should emphasise the plotline by perhaps featuring the main character in the film - or a significant prop/ location.  This will intrigue the audience and foreshadow the narrative, advertising the film itself. 
  • What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

    This question suggests that I should evaluate the responses from the audience regarding my media product and therefore consider what ways I could develop my outcome further - taking their comments or criticism constructively.  I could for example have edited my footage or portrayed my characters differently - for a better final product.  Audience feedback allows to evaluate my progress as the audience is important in being able to see my intentions for the product - seeing whether I have done so successfully and areas for improvement.  
  • How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

    To answer this question I will have to consider how I have developed my use of digital technology in order to creatively enhance my outcome - such as experimentation on different programs like Adobe Photoshop or After Effects.  I will use these programs to create my final product - and importantly experiment to create an effective evaluation; using a variety of technologies for it to be interesting.  Media technologies will allow me to create a variety of products - and my ancillary tasks will heavily be based around them.  

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